Happy Eclipse day…

Thank you to AllyKat for sharing these messages in our telegram chat… She is a real blessing in this community… I will share more as we go along today… Grand Risings as Ally always says…

So this is the latest out of SoCal at 10:47 am!!! Anyone know when this is supposed to happen and climax?

And this was taken at 11am

  • I am not noticing any changes in re to the wildlife in my backyard!

These are from 11:10 am

  • Only thing I have noticed is the bees 🐝 are no where to be found

This was from a few mins later.. the crescent 🌙 is from my camera on my phone! Yes I am using my phone for the photos!

So somehow I missed the partial eclipse here in SoCal! Not sure how!!! The below photo was taken through the lenses of my sunglasses! 😎

  • Also I noticed at 12pm the bees 🐝 were back working and buzzing about!