September 13th, 2023- Special Guest AllyKat

We had a lovely evening with AllyKat. We talked all of the things…

Recommended by AllKat

The 8 Passengers- Ruby Franke/ Jodi Hildebrandt situation

From the stream on Monday night we were able to donate $300 to Jaiden’s Give send go. Congrats The Time is Now Community… As AllyKat said Amish Mindset… it takes us all.

Jordan Cheyenne is the mommy vlogger who made her son pose for a thumbnail… This story is at least two years old… I have no idea why it is making the rounds again… Unless it’s due to the Ruby Franke situation, and shining a light on a bigger problem… Family vloggers we are looking at you. Below is the interview she did with the Dad Challenge Podcast.

Just to leave you all with some food for thought… use your discernment… should be interesting what the future holds for us all