The TIME is NOW Podcast

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September 18th, 2023- Mondays with JasonQ

welcome back Jason… we are glad you are feeling better… I included the WeNotMe episode from Sunday the 17th….

Shepherdess13 shared the flag she ordered and received from Greg aka Fluid pour patriot on our Telegram Channel.

Robert the Bruce was brought up so I thought I would link our show we talked about him!

Thank you to those in the WeNotMe Telegram Chat for providing the screenshots… I got these from MagicBird…

This is what Doc was talking about on the show!!


Begins sunset of  Friday, September 29, 2023

Ends nightfall of  Friday, October 6, 2023

No work permitted on September 30 - October 1. Work is permitted on October 2 - 6 with certain restrictions..

Hoshanah Rabbah - October 6, 2023

Dates listed are for outside Israel.

The seven days of Sukkot—celebrated by dwelling in the sukkah, taking the Four Kinds, and rejoicing—is the holiday when we expose ourselves to the elements in covered huts, commemorating G‑d's sheltering our ancestors as they traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land. The Four Kinds express our unity and our belief in G‑d’s omnipresence. Coming after the solemn High Holidays, it is a time of joy and happiness