The TIME is NOW Podcast

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St Frank and biblical episodes

3 ) Here is the link for the episode from June 30th, 2021 with St Frank!

2) Here is the episode from May 23rd, 2021 where we talk with St. Frank about the Biblical Jubilee!

Our Lilith episode

1) Episode with St Frank from 5/5/2021 we discussed many topics!

4) Another great discussion with St Frank on 8/25/2021 where we ask did Jesus have a twin?

5) Another great episode with St Frank from 11/10/2021

6) Who is Joseph of Arimathea & so much more ?

7) Upcoming 7/12/23 ~ Wed

We wanted to ensure we have at least one post to encompass all the links to the St Frank aka Richard episodes and we threw in the Lilith episode as well! There is a hyperlink in each for the link to the particular episode!