
Hello and welcome my brothers and sisters who are from all over the planet probably from the Galaxy to who knows at this point. We are just glad that you were here and if you’re looking for peace on earth and inner peace within yourself which is a journey we all have to go on for truth and inner peace so that way we can raise the vibration of this planet so that way we can bring healing amongst every living organism that’s here. Love is the answer don’t hate forgive and help to heal try to be patient, it is easy to get frustrated I know everybody’s got a different part of the healing process.
those brothers and sisters from the Middle East we don’t want to fight we want to be your brothers brother your sister sister not her your brothers keeper we love you you are good people with good hearts who have been traumatized by living in nothing but war during probably your whole entire life. This is what we need to heal and cleanse this planet of all the trauma the post traumatic stress disorder is from people living in constant fear which is what the enemy lives off of the evil that the Lucia fear of hate being angry etc.

we don’t always get it right here. And I hope that you’re here for all the right reasons please check out our Rumble account and follow where the time is now podcast there’s a link in the previous blog I I suggest you to go and follow from there. We all need to come together in a community to be able to talk through the issues that were seeing and being able to find solutions and be able to heal. I am grateful for every single one of you we all have a voice!

Korie Schultz