The TIME is NOW Podcast

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#MIGA Make Iran Great Again!

To the people of Iran šŸ‡®šŸ‡· we stand with you and are with you in your fight against this brutal regime! We stand against the Ayatollah, the Iranian Government and the IRGC. American Patriots are always on the side of doing the right thing and the people of Iran you are standing up for your freedoms! Those freedoms that were taken away because of one of our Democratic administration, that was of course headed by one of the worst presidents Jimmy Carter. No matter the good he thinks he has done since leaving office it will never measure enough to make up for all the bloodshed and heartache that the people of Iran has had to endure over the last 40 years!
As an American let me say I am sorry for the last 40 years! What we have now is a president that not only is strong and supportive of his citizens, he also supports the people of Iran in their revolution against the Regime! We are trying to help right the wrongs that has been forged forever in your history! Please accept our Help. The world is watching and the Regime should take heed. We know the truth, it is time that the Regime needs to put down the weapons and let go of the hate in your hearts and to let the People of Iran form a Republic, and to let them govern themselves.

So how did we get here? Well it started a long time ago. (the following info was obtained from Wikipedia, unless otherwise specified) I know, I know Wiki not that great of a trusted sourceā€¦ What can you doā€¦ I wanted to give a little history prior to this latest conflict.

  • 598-600 BC Cyrus the Great was born Anshan, Persia

  • 4 December 530 BC Cyrus Died

  • Median and Achaemenid Empire (650ā€“330 BC)

  • Greek conquest and Seleucid Empire (312 BCEā€“248 BCE)

  • Parthian Empire (248 BCā€“224 AD)

  • Sasanian Empire (224ā€“651 AD)

  • Islamic conquest of Persia (633ā€“651)

  • Mongol conquest and rule (1219ā€“1370)

  • Timurid Empire (1370ā€“1507)

  • Early modern era (1502ā€“1925)

  • Safavid Empire (1501ā€“1736)

  • Pahlavi era (1925ā€“1979)

  • Reza Shah (1925ā€“1941)

    Two years after the 1921 Persian coup d'état, led by Zia'eddin Tabatabaee, Reza Pahlavi became Iran's prime minister. The appointment was backed by the compliant national assembly of Iran. In 1925 Reza Pahlavi was appointed as the legal monarch of Iran by decision of Iran's constituent assembly.Mohammad-Reza Shah (1941ā€“1979). Reza Shah's reign has been said to have consisted of "two distinct periods".

  • From 1925 to 1933, figures such as Abdolhossein TeymourtashNosrat ol Dowleh Firouz, and Ali Akbar Davar and many other western-educated Iranians emerged to implement modernist plans, such as the construction of railways, a modern judiciary and educational system, and the imposition of changes in traditional attire, and traditional and religious customs and mores.

  • In the second half of his reign (1933ā€“41), which the Shah described as "one-man rule", strong personalities like Davar and Teymourtash were removed, and secularist and Western policies and plans initiated earlier were implemented

  • Mohammad-Reza Shah (1941ā€“1979)

    In his "White Revolution" starting in the 1960s, Mohammad Reza made major changes to modernise Iran. He curbed the power of certain ancient elite factions by expropriating large and medium-sized estates for the benefit of more than four million small farmers. He took a number of other major measures, including extending suffrage to women and the participation of workers in factories through shares and other measures. In the 1970s the governmental programme of free-of-charge nourishment for children at school known as "Taghziye Rāyegan" (Persian: ŲŖŲŗŲ°ŪŒŁ‡ Ų±Ų§ŪŒŚÆŲ§Ł† lit. free nourishment) was implemented. Under the Shah's reign, the national Iranian income showed an unprecedented rise for an extended period.

  • Revolution and the Islamic Republic (1979ā€“present)


The Iranian Revolution (also known as the Islamic Revolution, Persian: Ų§Ł†Ł‚Ł„Ų§ŲØ Ų§Ų³Ł„Ų§Ł…ŪŒ, Enghelābe Eslāmi) was the revolution that transformed Iran from a monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic.

Although some might argue that the revolution is still ongoing, its time span can be said to have begun in January 1978 with the first major demonstrations,and concluded with the approval of the new theocratic Constitution ā€” whereby Khomeini became Supreme Leader of the country ā€” in December 1979. In between, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi left the country for exile in January 1979 after strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country, and on February 11979 Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Tehran to a greeting of several million Iranians.The final collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty occurred shortly after on February 11 when Iran's military declared itself "neutral" after guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting. Iran officially became an Islamic Republic on April 11979 when Iranians overwhelmingly approved a national referendum to make it so.

  • Ideology of the 1979 Iranian Revolution

  • The ideology of revolutionary government was populist, nationalist and most of all Shi'a Islamic. Its unique constitution is based on the concept of velayat-e faqih the idea advanced by Khomeini that Muslims ā€“ in fact everyone ā€“ requires "guardianship", in the form of rule or supervision by the leading Islamic jurist or jurists.[

  • Iran's rapidly modernising, capitalist economy was replaced by populist and Islamic economic and cultural policies. Much industry was nationalized, laws and schools Islamicized, and Western influences banned.

  • Khomeini Takes Power (1979ā€“1989)

  • Khomeini served as leader of the revolution or as Supreme Leader of Iran from 1979 to his death on June 3, 1989. This era was dominated by the consolidation of the revolution into a theocratic republic under Khomeini, and by the costly and bloody war with Iraq.

  • Rule under Khamenei (1989ā€“present)

  • On his deathbed in 1989, Khomeini appointed a 25-man Constitutional Reform Council which named then president Ali Khamenei as the next Supreme Leader, and made a number of changes to Iran's constitution. A smooth transition followed Khomeini's death on June 3, 1989. While Khamenei lacked Khomeini's "charisma and clerical standing", he developed a network of supporters within Iran's armed forces and its economically powerful religious foundations.[202] Under his reign Iran's regime is said ā€“ by at least one observer ā€“ to resemble more "a clerical oligarchy ... than an autocracy.

Jimmy Carter should have left well enough alone. He is responsible for the last 40 years of the Ayatollah and his Iranian regime of Brutality, Murder, Lies and Torturing of Innocent lives. Lets talk Obama giving Iran the 1.8 billion dollars, you know the planes filled with pallets of cash, which then in turn helped to fund Irans nuclear and military programs. If you look at Obamas administration you will find it was infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and Iran.

Then Along comes TRUMP, Who wants to help the Iranian people to break away from the Iranian Regime. there is only so much he can do. The Iranian people have to stand up and fight. The Iranian Revolution, we stand with you.

But guess what the Deep state was still trying to hold on to power, so what do they do, Send John Kerry to meet with some of the Iranian regimes envoy to help them subvert working with the Trump administration. Which in turn makes John Kerry guilty of Violating the Logan act.

Trump gave orders to take out Soliemani, which I hope we can all agree was a bad Hombreā€¦ Terrorist if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty of it all. Then the Iran Regime said that they would retaliate and they attempted to shoot at one of our bases but missed in spectacular fashion like that of the Star Wars Stormtroopersā€¦ Yet, the Regime was able to manage to Shoot down a Ukrainian plane, Great job. Not one American was aboard that flightā€¦ Which, Iran did accept responsibility for, yet all the Democrats and all those on the Left side/Elitist/Cabal want to boomerang it back and blame it on Trump. No, that is now how it works. You do realize that Trump did the world a favor by taking this MO FO out right? You do realize that the Iran regime had the opportunity to not strike that plane down. This is all on the Iran Regime. And then this exchange happened. Jeremy Corbyn was rightfully called out by Piers Morgan. I donā€™t always agree with Piers, in this instance I do. The Iranian people will not longer be tortured and lied to. They are standing up to the Iranian regime and saying enough is enough. Slaves no more. They have been able to see the truth about the Planeā€¦

You, Yes you Iranian Patriots, you Come from a proud and Strong Lineage, you Come from one of the Greatest bloodlines in the history of the world. Cyrus the Great was a man of great honor. He would be proud of all you standing tall right now against the IRGC and the Iranian Regime. It is hard to stand up for the first time, yet you all are doing it time and time again. Keep fighting, for you all have warrior spirits, you know what is right and now is your time to stand up for it. We the American Patriots have your backs, fronts and sidesā€¦ We stand at guard for you. We are proud of you for not only standing up for the right thing (ousting out the evil Terrorist Regime) and More importantly Your freedomā€¦ Stand firm in your beliefs and the truth will set you freeā€¦ We the American patriots want everyone to stand tall for themselves, not be bullied and to stand tall for the little guy or gal and to be able to live their lives the way they want to. So hereā€™s to the Woman of Iran who choose not to wear the Hijab, to be able to dance, to be able to enjoy life without restrictions of the Man Made rules that Sharia Law brings about. At times I wish that we could import The Iranian Patriots or some of the Hong Kong Protesters and export some of the Anti American Americans, the Non patriots of this country. So Keep fighting, this is your Countryā€™s Revolution and please check out Restart if you have not please check it outā€¦ A regime change is needed and I know it is happeningā€¦ Just look to the Q movementā€¦ and more importantly you the Iranian Patriots, being heard and making noise, that makes all the differenceā€¦ Remember to Keep love in your heart and never allow the Hatred to enter.

Thank you Friends we are standing in solidarity with you hand in hand even if we are far awayā€¦

Korie & Amy